Issue 5: nulgraad door charl landvreugd - presentatie 01expositieSHEBANG Amsterdam
Issue 5: nulgraad door charl landvreugd - presentatie 02expositieSHEBANG Amsterdam
Issue 5: nulgraad door charl landvreugd - presentatie 03expositieSHEBANG Amsterdam
SHEBANG presenteert Issue 6 door MOHAontmoetingexpositieperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
Issue 4: IN NAAM VAN WIE door Glenn HelbergperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair: ALMAperformanceSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair: MuseumnachtexpositieperformanceontmoetingSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair: LI-MA Presents New Art on ScreenfilmSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Rondleiding Between a Dance and Sitting in a ChairontmoetingexpositieSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair: Other Ways of Knowing - The Intersection of Art and Science in Caribbean Climate Change ResearchontmoetingSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair: Tidal GatheringsontmoetingexpositieSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair, een tentoonstelling van Sharelly EmanuelsonexpositieSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Opening tentoonstelling Sharelly Emanuelson: Between a Dance and Sitting in a ChairexpositieSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
De Achterkamer: Karaoke nightSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG&
Clothing DriveSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
De Achterkamer: Mint tea morning sessionSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
De Achterkamer: Movie nightSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Ballroom Night: Artistic Empowerment - House of Bodega UnveiledSHEBANG& programmaontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
De Achterkamer: Yoga voor vrouwenSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
MDT-TAG door het Orion CollegeSHEBANG& programmaontmoetingexpositieSHEBANG Amsterdam
Amstel Tories door het Orion CollegeSHEBANG& programmaexpositieSHEBANG Amsterdam
African Origin Dance Challenge Festival!SHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Auteursbond on Tour: Een middag met Astrid RoemerSHEBANG& programmaontmoetingfilmSHEBANG Amsterdam
UNTOLD: Intergenerationele culturele kennisoverdrachtSHEBANG& programmaontmoetingperformanceworkshopSHEBANG Amsterdam
The art and practice of experiencing/Becoming our space - Bijeenkomst 5ontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
The art and practice of experiencing/Becoming our space - Bijeenkomst 4ontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
The art and practice of experiencing/Becoming our space - Bijeenkomst 3ontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
The art and practice of experiencing/Becoming our space - Bijeenkomst 2ontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
The art and practice of experiencing/Becoming our space - Bijeenkomst 1ontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
Issue 4: The art and practice of experiencing/Becoming our space door Glenn HelbergontmoetingperformanceexpositieSHEBANG Amsterdam
Excavating technologies of perception from within the vistas of modernitySHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Haag in Hart, Dam op Borst finissageSHEBANG& programmaexpositieontmoetingperformanceSHEBANG Amsterdam
Haag in Hart Dam op BorstexpositieSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Eindexamenexpositie Blacker BlacknessexpositieSHEBANG& programma
Bewonersoverleg KarspontmoetingSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Fonds voor Zuidoost PitchontmoetingSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Waar geen woorden voor zijnperformanceSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam
Feed the Mind DinnerontmoetingSHEBANG& programmaSHEBANG Amsterdam